Alex Wolf, P.E.,
Prof. Affil.: TMA, ABI, IIE, SEMS
This site describes business turnaround,
corporate restructuring and other wealth recovery services of Alex Wolf
& Associates LLC, often performed or directed by Alex Wolf himself.
This site is aimed primarily at owners, CEOs and board members of
companies that are in serious difficulty. It will also interest
investors contemplating the purchase of a distressed company and lenders
who hold non-performing and under-secured loans.
It cannot be emphasized enough that
restoring credibility and actual profit turnaround are key to achieving
success in most wealth restoration cases, and practically in all
difficult ones. For instance, creditors are more likely to agree to debt
restructuring if they believe the debtor company will make profits
necessary to repay the debts (wholly or in an acceptable part) in
installments and / or that it will receive an investment with which it
will pay its creditors. Even before overall debt restructuring is
undertaken, vendors, lenders and taxation authorities will grant
forbearances (initially often piecemeal) if they really buy into what
the debtor tells them. To establish such trust written disclosure is
often required. However, most operating business executives
instinctively shy away from disclosing their company’s weaknesses. What
they do not realize is that frank bad news is a very effective tool for
dealing with creditors, because at the foundation of a good
restructuring plan is a meeting of minds of the debtor and its creditors
concerning their alternatives.......................
Of course, these alternatives need to be presented properly and
important nuances must be observed in the manner in which confidential
information is disclosed and in laying out said alternatives, e.g.
concerning the expected realization by creditors in the event of
informal restructuring as compared with Chapter 11 or other legal
reorganization mechanisms. In these matters restructuring expertise is
Debt restructuring may be achieved
informally (or for that matter under Chapter 11) by a skillful
negotiation of one or more proposals that would – for instance – reduce
the principal owed or payments previously fixed, and / or delay said
payments, and / or modify or reduce creditors’ security.
But holding off
disappointed and irate creditors and getting them to restructure the
debts is only part of the solution. All major ills that have gotten a
company or a group of companies into trouble must still be cured – if the future is to be
profitable. Usually, several such ills are present simultaneously. Some
of these problems mask others, and therefore operating management is
often aware of only some of these ills. Yet all key
problems must be diagnosed quickly, and practical and credible cures
must be applied, or at least devised, early on in a turnaround.
Moreover, some turnarounds and restructurings require an injection of
cash by third-parties, and the rules that govern the obtaining of debt
and equity investment are different for healthy and for distressed
enterprises. In fact, the sources of their financing are often
different. Today in the USA there is a whole industry dedicated to the
financing of distressed and under-performing businesses. In recent years
more money in this industry has been “chasing deals” than there are
eligible debtors asking for funds. At the same time, most troubled
companies that require funding fail to obtain it. This dichotomy is
explained by the fact that for the most part, distressed companies do
not know where to seek funds, investor firms do not know where to find
the smaller distressed companies, and most of the latter fail to make
the preparations that are required to make them attractive to investors.
Notably, the work involved in making a distressed company attractive to
investors, in most cases, requires both restructuring and turnaround
expertise, including specialized research, planning and negotiation
On reflection, it is not surprising that most companies who get into
serious trouble and need a turnaround know very little about the above
matters and about the nature of turnarounds in general. Sometimes, the
problem is compounded by the egos of formerly successful business operators
that further prevent them from taking the necessary steps, such as
hiring a turnaround specialist. Furthermore, they do not realize how
cooperative the business world can be towards a business operator, whose
distressed company retains an enterprise value despite its bad financial
statements. Of course, the pre-condition for obtaining such a Second
Chance is the restoration of credibility, as already mentioned.
To assist interested parties, this
site is also a comprehensive management presentation on the subject of
turnarounds and corporate restructuring – including some
projects performed or directed by Alex Wolf himself.
It should be noted that many cases
described herein required a multi-disciplinary approach in order
to solve concurrent and diverse business problems, including the following:
Case #3 :
Discovered and eliminated ongoing theft of hundreds of thousands of dollars
annually in a large machining house – through "walk around management",
material control and financial analysis; also changed job descriptions
to prevent recurrence of similar problems.
Case #5 :
Crisis management and cost reduction in a troubled industrial company:
negotiated loan extensions from a difficult banker; rapidly increased
productivity in a large machine shop (technical-management); obtained
concessions from vendors and taxation authorities; and refinanced a loan
of several million dollars.
Case #7 :
Restored profitability and eliminated a financing problem for a
distressed manufacturer of audio amplifiers – through strategic
repositioning; also obtained concessions from taxation authorities.
#8 : Crisis management and revenue increase in a conglomerate of
small companies: restructured under-secured bank debt, obtained
forbearances from state taxation authorities; generated margin
improvements and subordination (pending) of IRS tax liens due to
withholding tax owed – the foregoing in a contracting and supply firm.
Obtained forbearances from real estate lenders in an investment
firm. Created marketing and financial resources through joint-ventures. Improved sales and
margin in a conference center company (Case on-going).
Alex Wolf & Associates guarantees the utmost in professionalism in all
projects. Moreover, in some cases, generally on a hands-on basis,
i.e. with our top people as your interim CEO or your CRO,
we can accept overall responsibility for results. In addition, in certain cases, we agree to
partly or wholly success-based fees - for further information see
Section 2.
A table of contents is provided
to help you navigate this site, but if you want a tutorial in corporate renewal, then go through our entire presentation in the
reader / printer-friendly PDF format.
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